Why Student Entrepreneurship is important in college

Arijit Karan
4 min readNov 19, 2020

In this article, I shall be discussing, why student entrepreneurship is important in college as of now. I shall be also telling how it can help the students perform better in their professional world.

The world we live in today is very unpredictable and is constantly changing. It is the VUCA world. VUCA over here stands for Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. So the world is becoming more and more unstable and dynamic.

The skills in which you might have aced might become obsolete. So the two most important thing to have at this age is to learn and unlearn as soon as possible. What might be right yesterday can be utterly wrong today. But then even after so many changes, the education system has hardly changed.

This is kind of frightening and this is the sole reason why big corporates are now complaining about incompetent students. The only reason is that education is not upgraded. The second reason is that knowledge of subject matter is not enough in today’s date. Students also need to learn and understand people skills, leadership skills, and many other skills. Universities do not prepare the youths for these skills today.

The importance of student entrepreneurship comes here. Students get to know a lot about how the real world works. This helps students form an entrepreneurial mind and embrace uncertainty, making them fearless.

Below I am going to list some of the things students gain while doing entrepreneurship in college.

1.Know The art Of Networking:

Entrepreneurship will help you learn a lot of things. The very first thing you learn is the art of networking. In an entrepreneurial venture, you cannot do everything singlehandedly. You need to have a strong network to get your things done. Nurturing your network is also a very important thing. Suppose you make a huge LinkedIn network but never bothered to strike a conversation. It will be as good as not having in your connections.

Only when you go for an entrepreneurial venture, you would understand that you need to get out and talk to them so that they remember you.

2. Student Entrepreneurship helps you learn People skills:

People Skills is the most demanded skills at this age. The best way to learn it is by starting a small business for yourself. Once you start a business, you have two ways either you have a lot of money to propel yourself forward. Or you have to learn the art of Jugaad. Over here it means building public relations so that your works get done easily.

Once you learn how to strike a conversation and befriend people, you will be very successful in collecting resources. While working you will develop an instinct as to how to speak to a person so that he listens to you? This helps you not only in your start-up but also in your personal life and also in your job(if you wish to join in the future).

3. Helps you improve your creative intellect:

Creativity is one of the most important things of this age. To stand out amongst the crowd you need to use your creative instinct. In a start-up one has to work with a lot of constraints, this leads to students using more brains to solve a real-life problem. This exercise helps them become more creative and stand out in normal life.

4. Student entrepreneurship helps you develop a growth mindset:

So did you see your parents working in a single corporation for their entire life and then struggle even in their old age? This happened because they never grew with time. They were happy with the little pay but could not understand that the expenditures would increase exponentially. It is here they get caught and then struggle for the rest of their life.

You cannot survive with this at this time. You need to have an attitude of learning and earning more. Do read this article here to know more about the growth mindset of entrepreneurs.

5. You get to know about a lot more things than your education:

When you try to start a new start-up, you get to learn a lot of things. You learn to do marketing, corporate laws, people skills. Slowly you will learn how to manage things using very little investment. How to build relationships with people so that they help you in your work in the start-up.

You learn about things that no books can teach you you learn life. The most important thing is that you learn about life.


I hope this article was insightful and helped you understand the importance of student entrepreneurship in college. With this, I end my article here.


